An investigation is underway after a video began circulating on social media of a teacher being assaulted in North Carolina.
The assault is believed to have occurred at Parkland High School in Winston-Salem, which is in the Forsyth County School District.
During the 38-second video, a student smacks his teacher in the face, approaches her desk, and asks: “Want me to hit you again?”
“I don’t want it,” the teacher says.
The student hits the teacher again with more force than the first time.
“Ain’t nobody coming,” the student says as he walks to the back of the classroom. “You just got slapped. Go back to teaching.”
After seeing the video, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School District Superintendent Tricia McManus said, “This behavior will not be tolerated. At no time is it acceptable for students to put their hands on a teacher in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. My focus now is on making sure that our teacher is taken care of and has the support needed to navigate through the lasting effects of this incident.”
The principal of Parkland High School also released the following message to the families of students:
“Hello Parkland Families, this is Noel Keener, Principal at Parkland High School. I am calling to let you know that earlier today our administration was made aware of a disturbing video of an inappropriate and unsettling interaction between a student and a teacher being circulated on social media. Our administration has started an investigation immediately in conjunction with our law enforcement partners at the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. The student involved in the video will face disciplinary action in accordance with district policies and procedures. The student may also face criminal charges.
Please know this video is not reflective of our expectations of students at Parkland High School. We are working with district staff to address this immediately and ensure behavior like this is not tolerated in our school and district.
We always appreciate you making us aware anytime there is something that concerns you. When you see a concerning social media post or text, please remember to report it, not repost or reshare it. We ask that you remind students about the consequences that can come from circulating or sharing inappropriate videos. We take all such matters seriously and thank you for your patience, partnership, and understanding. If you have any questions, please let me know.”
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